Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Pizza margherita in 4 easy steps



  • 300g strong bread flour
  • 1 tsp instant yeast (from a sachet or a tub)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp olive oil , plus extra for drizzling




  • handful basil leaves (optional)
  1. Make the base: Put the flour into a large bowl, then stir in the yeast and salt. Make a well, pour in 200ml warm water and the olive oil and bring together with a wooden spoon until you have a soft, fairly wet dough. Turn onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 5 mins until smooth. Cover with a tea towel and set aside. You can leave the dough to rise if you like, but it's not essential for a thin crust.
  2. Make the sauce: Mix the passata, basil and crushed garlic together, then season to taste. Leave to stand at room temperature while you get on with shaping the base.
  3. Roll out the dough: If you've let the dough rise, give it a quick knead, then split into two balls. On a floured surface, roll out the dough into large rounds, about 25cm across, using a rolling pin. The dough needs to be very thin as it will rise in the oven. Lift the rounds onto two floured baking sheets.
  4. Top and bake: Heat oven to 240C/fan 220C /gas 8. Put another baking sheet or an upturned baking tray in the oven on the top shelf. Smooth sauce over bases with the back of a spoon. Scatter with cheese and tomatoes, drizzle with olive oil and season. Put one pizza, still on its baking sheet, on top of the preheated sheet or tray. Bake for 8-10 mins until crisp. Serve with a little more olive oil, and basil leaves if using. Repeat step for remaining pizza.
If the dough is too wet: Add a bit more flour and work it in. If dough is too stretchy to roll out: Leave it to rest for 10 mins or so, then try again. You need far more pressure when rolling dough than when rolling out pastry. If the base isn't cooked: Baking the pizza on top of a preheated sheet or tray should prevent this. However, it could be too thick or have too much topping. If the topping is cooked before the base, cover with foil and give it another 5 mins.
Choose your toppings  as per your likings.

Monday, 20 December 2010

Making the Samosa Pastry

You don't have to make your own pastry. You can simply buy some ready-made pastry from the shop.

For samosas you want to fry, use Filo Pastry and for samosas you want to cook in the oven use Puff Pastry.

This recipe will make enough pastry for 24 samosas and you will need:
225gm. plain flour
2 tspn. salt
2tblspb. vegetable oil
80 ml warm water.
Mix flour and salt into a bowl. Make a well into the centre and add the oil and enough water to make a firm dough. Knead the dough on a floured surface until smooth and roll into a ball. Cover in plastic wrap and set aside at room temperature for 30 minutes.
Divide the pastry into 12 equal pieces. Roll each piece into a ball and roll out into a circle of 15 cm. Divide this circle into two equal pieces with a knife.
Brush each edge with a little water and form a cone shape around your fingers, sealing the dampened edge.
Fill the cases with a tblpns of your chosen mixture and press the two dampened edges together to seal the top of the cone.
Deep fry the samosas in hot oil until crisp and brown take out and drain on a paper towel.

Beef lasagna

Beef Mince 300g
Lasania 1 packet.
Origano                                ½ tsp
Rose merry         ½ tsp
Tomato purre 3 tbsp
Garlic   3-  4 cloves
Tomato 1
Capsicum             1
Spring onion 1
Parsly    1 bunch
Black pepper      ½ tsp
White pepper    ¼ tsp
Vistor sauce       3 tbsp
 Salt to taste
Oil 1/5 cup

1 Put Oil in a pan and fry garlic cloves then add mince and add origano and rose mary and fry  till all water evaporates.
2Now add tompato puree capscium onions  tomato and parlsy and all spcies and sauces and cook for 4-5 mint
3 Boil half packet of lasania and put it in oven dish and spread mince over it. Add white sauce .now repeate this procedure again and at the end add chedder chese.
4  Bake it in a oven  for 10-15 mints. Oven temp sould be 180.

Chicken Corn Soup.

Chicken Corn Soup.

Chicken Boneless 100 gm
Egg         1
Corn Flour 4 Tbsp
Salt to taste
BlackPepper ¼ tsp
WhitePepper ¼ tsp
Chicken Broth 3 Cups. 3 Cups.
Carrot  1 medium
Onion  half
Spring onion 1
Sweet Corn 1 cup

1 Put Chicken in broth
2 Put Onion carrot in it and cover it and make them boil for 15-20 mints then drain all vegetables or blend them in a soup with blender.
3 Put black and white peppers and sweet corns.
4 Put 4 Tbsp of corn flour in a bowl and mix with little water and mix it in a soup slowly.
5 Whisk one egg and put it in soup.
6 when egg be ready. Your soup is ready. Serve hot with garnish and soup essentials of your choice.
 Put heat on a low flame for good taste of soup.

Chicken Croquottes

Chicken boiled and shredded
White Sauce (make white sauce with 2tbsp butter. add 2 tbsp flour and little fry it now add 1 glass of milk and stir well so that there is no lumps
add salt and white pepper and some cheese )
saute finely choped onion in butter.

bread crumbs 

Add boiled n shreeded chicken in white sauce and translucent onion and enough bread crumbs to make it firm dough and put the mixture in refrigerator to make it hard.
after about 1 hr make shapes of ur choice n roll in egg and bread crumbs and fry it.

Friday, 3 December 2010



•8 cups or 2 quart milk
•1/2 cup sugar
•2 to 3 tablespoons lemon juice (for making paneer)
•1 tablespoon sliced almonds or pistachio for garnishing

Making Paneer:
1.Mix lemon juice in ¼ cup of hot water and put aside.
2.Boil the 4 cups of milk in a heavy bottomed pan over medium heat, stirring occasionally, making sure not to burn milk.
3.As the milk comes to a boil, add the lemon juice gradually and stir the milk gently. The curd will start separating from the whey, turn off the heat.
4.Once the milk fat has separated from the whey, drain the whey using a strainer line with cheesecloth, or muslin cloth.
5.Wrap the curds in a muslin cloth, rinse under cold water, and squeeze well. This process takes out the sourness from the lemon.
6.To take out the excess water, squeeze the wrapped paneer. Do not knead the paneer.

Making barfi:

1.Boil remaining 4 cup of the milk in a heavy bottom frying pan on medium high heat until the milk reduces to about two cups.
2.Make sure to frequently stir the milk as the milk burns easily in bottom of the pan.
3.Add the paneer in the milk and keep stirring till the mixture thickness and form a soft dough consistency.
4.Add the sugar and continue to cook and stirring until the mixture become soft lump and start leaving the pan from sides.
5.Pour it over greased plate keeping about half inch thick.
6.Let it cool for about one hour. Cut the barfi in squares.

1.Putting few spoons of water in pot before putting milk reduces burning the milk bottom of the pan.
2.If barfi is too soft put the plate in microwave oven (plate should be microwave safe) for 2 to 3 minutes. Making sure barfi don’t become dry.