Monday 20 December 2010

Beef lasagna

Beef Mince 300g
Lasania 1 packet.
Origano                                ½ tsp
Rose merry         ½ tsp
Tomato purre 3 tbsp
Garlic   3-  4 cloves
Tomato 1
Capsicum             1
Spring onion 1
Parsly    1 bunch
Black pepper      ½ tsp
White pepper    ¼ tsp
Vistor sauce       3 tbsp
 Salt to taste
Oil 1/5 cup

1 Put Oil in a pan and fry garlic cloves then add mince and add origano and rose mary and fry  till all water evaporates.
2Now add tompato puree capscium onions  tomato and parlsy and all spcies and sauces and cook for 4-5 mint
3 Boil half packet of lasania and put it in oven dish and spread mince over it. Add white sauce .now repeate this procedure again and at the end add chedder chese.
4  Bake it in a oven  for 10-15 mints. Oven temp sould be 180.

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